Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

The vision and mission of the presidential candidates

There are two presidential candidates, ordinal number one presidential candidate Mr. Prabowo Subianto and Mr.Hatta Rajasa, the second ordinal number that is Mr. Joko Widodo and Mr. Jusuf Kalla. About the economy and the well-being of indonesia.

Vision and mission from Mr. Prabowo Subiyanto and Mr.Hatta Rajasa :
 The purpose of a country achieve prosperity together. The problem facing many programs how to achieve beautiful, good and done in a way so and so, then from where his money and from which resources are used and to grown.
1.       Close the economic meltdowns that occurred in indonesia, save, cut, control the economy which is leaking. Alter the flow to build people’s economy, namely the economy for the people, not people for the economy. Want to change the flow of funds that came from the village to the town and flipped into a from city to village.
2.       The allocation of 1 billion rupiah for a minimum of 1 year for each village and village throughout indonesia, siphon funds from the capital to the village in 5 years. Minimizing budgets and state budget corruption, raise the average wage income doubled from 3 million to 6 million a year, adding to the 2 million hectares of rice field, 2 million acres for bioetanol, build 3,000 kilo meters of the highway, 4 thousand kilometer train, 8 ports, making the bank of farmers and fishermen, cooperatives, banks and bank tubes of the pilgrimage. The fund is there, the money is there, the willingness to live courageously in hard work, dare or don’t close the leak and eradicate corruption. Indonesian income goes up. Were going to be strong, to be honored because the country can control its own wealth, wealth should be for the people, should not be leaking and flowing out of the country, the determination and the conviction to achieve better economic.

Vision and mission from Mr. Joko Widodo and Mr. Jususf Kalla :
Building a better economist, addressed the first true prosperity for the people who called the economic autonomy.
1.       Human developement throught education like a mental revolution. By making the activities of the indonesia card healthy and smart with the indonesian human development that then we have a productive human being, hence increasing productivity and ultimately our country could have competitiveness.
2.       The problem of economic growth followed an even distribution. A  gratuitous good economic growth, but equitable distribution does not exist, it is therefore equitable responsibility jokowi-kalla. With the development of coorperative, small mediun enterprises, the development of traditional markets, agriculture, marintime and industrialeconomy. Starting from the village, regional development and infrastructure. Referred to as the best path to economic prosperity people make sturdy and high competitive power.

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