Minggu, 27 April 2014

Selection Day Legislative Candidate 9 April 2014

The legislative period of the year 2009 has ended, fall on 9 april 2014, holiday together to choose candidate for legislative 1 dekade forward. The first time I get a vote to choose the country’s leader after the 19 year old. I’m very happy  because can flow away my voice right for select a leader. I gather my mother and my neightbor  go to polling station (TPS), because  my father become member of the group organizer voice voting (KPPS).
 Correct 8 am, I coming the polling stations (TPS) 98 located in a pendopo palazo jiran 007 tenets of the citizens  029, housing east mutiara gading, bekasi, west java.

           Polling station (TPS) 98 is specific to 6 jiran is RT 002,003,004,005,007, and jiran 008, because polling station my house be in jiran 005, so go into in TPS 98. There are 477 total list voter fixed (DPT), but only 341 member select in polling station. Polling station  opened 98 begin 7am, at the polls there are  4 voice room,

 and 4 voice box. There are 4 voice box is the house of representatives of the republic of indonesia (DPR RI), the regional representative council ( DPD), the house of representatives the province (DPRD PROVINCE), and the house of representatives the city ( DPRD CITY).
            Selection legislative candidate began  closed  at 1pm, after the committee breaks for prayers and lunch. Voice box begin in open and in calculation at 2pm. There are 6 people witness  and 7 person committee. There are calculation finish at 3am and successful can be winner from polling station  98 hosing east mutiara gading is
1)      The house of representatives of the republic of indonesia (DPR RI) is Mahfudz Abdurrahman for the prosperous justice party  (PKS)
2)      The regional representative council (DPD) is Drs.H.Suharna Surapranata,MT
3)      The house of representatives the province (DPR Province) is Drs. Nur Supriyanto,MM , for the prosperous justice party  (PKS), and
4)      The house of representatives the city (DPR City) is Drs.H.Heri Koswara,MA for the prosperous justice party  (PKS).
 In the end the voting is over and I can flow away voice voting right, hope winner can voice flow away public with honest, for a better Indonesia.


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