Minggu, 27 April 2014

Reported Speech

Report speech atau yang disebut dengan indirect speech adalah cara menggungkapkan apa yang orang lain katakan secara langsung dan menggubahnya menjadi tidak langsung, berupa pertanyaan, pernyataan dan juga ucapan lainnya dengan mengubah format pembicaranya tersebut sehingga menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnya(orang lain).
perkataan langsung (direct speech)yang kita ubah menjadi report speech tersebut dapat berupa:
1.Imperative/command sentence(kalimat perintah)
2.Statements sentence(kalimat pernyataan)
3.Question sentence(kalimat pertanyaan)

1.Imperative/command sentence(kalimat perintah)
·         Positive imperative
Direct :
Refaldy: “come in,please”.
Doni:” what did you ask me?”.
Indirect: I asked you to come on.
·         Negative imperative
Direct :
Mother :” don’t late get up”
Indirect : mother said not late get up

2.Statements sentence(kalimat pernyataan)
Ada 2 sifat dari kalimat pernyataan yaitu:
1.      Penyataan yang bersifat kebenaran umum , dan
2.      Penyataan yang bersifat sementara

1.pernyataan yang bersifat umum
Direct : theacher said” the sun rises in the east”
Indirect : theacher said the student that the sun rises in the east

2.pernyataan yang bersifat sementara

Simple Present tense:
Simple Past tense:

S + V1 + O
That + S + V2 + O

Present Continous tense:
Past Continous tense

S + to be + Ving + O
That + S + to be + Ving + O
to be ( am,are is)
to be (was/were)

Past Continous tense:
Past Perfect Continous tense:

S + to be + Ving + O
That + S + Had + been + V3 + O

Present Perfect tense:
Past Perfect tense:

S + had + V3 + O
That + S + had + V3 + O

Present Future tense:
Past Future tense:

S + Will/Shall + V1 + O
That + S + Would/Should + V1 + O

Present Perfect tense :
Past Perfect tense:

S + Have/Has + V3 + O
That + S + Had + V3 + O

Simple Past tense:
Past Perfect tense:

S +  V2 + O
That + S + Had + V3 + O

1.      Direct              : Eda said”I read newspaper”.
Indirect           : Eda said to me that he read newspaper.

2.      Direct              :Arif said” I’m playing football”.
Inderect           : Arif said to me that he was playing football.

3.      Direct              : Tiara said” I’m making rainbow cake”.
Indirect           : Tiara said to me that she had been made rainbow cake.

4.      Direct              : fio said”Nanaf had cooked fried chicken”.
Indirect           : fio said to me that nanaf had cooked fried chicken.

5.      Direct              : Father said”mother will buy some fruits in the market”.
Indirect           : Father said to my sister that mother would buy some fruits in the market.

6.      Direct              : Amri said” I have painted the car”.
Indirect           : Amri said to nela that he had painted the car.

7.      Direct              : haikal said “vinno wrote poetry”
Indirect           : haikal said to me that vinno had written poetry

3.Questions sentence (kalimat pertanyaan)
Disebut dengan yes/no question

Do/does + S + V1 + O
If/Whether + S + V2 + O

Am/is/are + S + O
If/Whether + S + Was/Were + O

Did + S + V1 + O
If/Whether + S + Had + V3 + O

Was/Were + S + O
If/Whether + S + Had been + O

Have/Had + S + V3 + O
If/Whether + S + Had + V3 + O

Have/Had been + S + O
If/Whether + S + Had been + O

Will/Shall + S + V1 + O
If/Whether + S + Would/Should + V1 + O

Would/Should + S + V1 + O
If/Whether + S + Would/Should + Have + V3 + O

Example :
1.      Direct              : Tita said “do you bring dictionary?”
Indirect           : Tita told hasan if/whether  vina brought dictionary

2.      Direct              :” Does she go to school on foot?”
Indirect           : He said to his friend if/whether she went to school on foot

Kalimat tanya 5W + 1H

Kata tanya + do/does + S + V1 + O
Kata tanya + S + V2 + O
“Where do you come from?”.
Mrs.Vita asked me where I came from?

Kata tanya + am/is/are + S + Kata sifat
Kata tanya + S + was/were + kata sifat
“Who is you father name?”.
Rina asked me who I were my father name

Kata tanya + did + S + V1 + O
Kata tanya + S + had + V3 + O
“Where did you go yesterday?”.
Karjo asked tugimin where he had gone the day before

Kata tanya + was/were + S + kata sifat
Kata tanya  + S + had been + kata sifat

kata tanya + have/had + S + V3 + O
kata tanya + S + had + V3 + O

Kata tanya + have/had + been + S + kata sifat/kata benda
Kata tanya + S + Had been + kata sifat/kata benda

Kata tanya + will/shall + S + V1 + O
Kata tanya + S + would/should + V1 + O

kata tanya + would/should + S + V1 + O
Kata tanya + S + would/should + have + V3 + O


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