Minggu, 09 April 2017

Tugas Softskill 2

Surat Komplain dalam Bahasa Indonesia


Jl. Alur laut utara, Jakarta

Telp. (021)234567891 Fax.23456

10 April 2017


Bapak Amir

Manajer Penjualan




Kepada Bapak Amir

Pemesanan No. 07/TF/04/2017

            Terimakasih atas pengiriman barang yang dilakukan dengan pemesanan no. 07/Tf/04/2017 tertanggal 7 april 2017, barang tersebut kami terima dengan baik. Namun ada beberapa barang yang kurang sebagai berikut:

  1. Seragam karyawan celana warna hitam ukuran M seharusnya dikirim 110 buah, tapi perusahaan anda mengirimkan 100 buah.
  2. Seragam karyawan celana warna biru ukuran S seharusnya dikirim 50 buah, tapi perusahaan anda mengirimkan 60 buah.

Dengan sangat menyesal kami beritahukan bahwa barang tersebut dapat diganti paling lambat 7 hari setelah surat ini, karena barang tersebut kami butuhkan. Jika permasalahannya belum selesai sampai tanggal tersebut, maka perusahaan meminta untuk memperoleh diskon 10% untuk pemesanan berikutnya.

Kami harap kejadian ini tidak terulang lagi. Atas perhatian dan kerjasama saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih.


Dengan hormat,


Bapak Yudha

Manajer Pembelian

Complaint letter with English Language


Jl. Alur laut utara, Jakarta

Telp. (021)234567891 Fax.23456

April 10, 2017


Mr Amir

Sales Manager




Dear Mr  Amir

Order No. 07/TF/04/2017

            Thank you for the delivery of goods made by your company with your order no. 07/TF/04/2017 dated Tuesday, 4 April 2017. We have received the goods well. However there are some items that are less sent as follows:

  1. Employee uniform black pants size M should be sent 110 pcs, but your company send 100 pcs.
  2. Employee uniform blue pants size S should be sent 50 pcs, but your company send 60 pcs.

With great regret we inform you that the goods can be replaced no later than 7 days after this letter, because these items we needed. If the problem was not completed until that date, the companies we ask a 10% discount on your next order.

We hope that this incident does not happen again. For your attention and your coopertion, we say thank you.


Your sincerely,


Mr Yudha

Purchasing manager





Jumat, 10 Maret 2017

Softskill 1 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Adele breaks her grammy awards 2017 in half
MENGHARUKAN! Adele Patahkan Piala Grammy, Beyonce Sampai Berlinang Air Mata

urprisingly action came back from the world of pop singer Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, as known by her stage name is Adele (28) at the of the 59th grammy awards, held at Staples Center, Los Angeles, Sunday, february 12th 2017, at night local time. Adele made a surprise on stage that become the spotlight of the world. Singer of the song “Hello” is also increasingly worshipped fans for daring to break the grammy trophy that was won in the category Album of The Year.
What adele doesn’t mean don’t appreciate that she achieved victory. Adele feel so proud over the achievement resulting from her hard work over the years. But this time, she felt not herself was the one who deserved to be the winner of the Album of The Year category. She felt beyonce is a much more appropriate to get the trophy. Adele thinks beyonce album “Lemonade” is better than the album “25” hers.
“The album Lemonade was so monumental, from beyonce is a work that well thought out are mature and able to touch souls, we appreciate it. All of our artists here adore you. You are our inspiration.” She said when her victory speech.
Adele won the grammy in five categories incluiding Song of The Year through a single “Hello”, Record of The Year, Best Pop Solo Performance, Best Pop Vocal Album and Album of The Year.
Although adele back shine at the grammy awards 2017, but bad luck also did not escape from herself. When performing on stage, the music had stopped because she was one of her favorite song “Hello”, because of technical eror audio and managed to sing the second song entitled “Fastlove” smoothly.

Adele mematahkan piala grammy award 2017-nya menjadi dua bagian
MENGHARUKAN! Adele Patahkan Piala Grammy, Beyonce Sampai Berlinang Air Mata

ksi mengejutkan kembali muncul dari penyanyi pop dunia Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, yang dikenal dengan nama panggung Adele (28) pada malam penghargaan grammy awards 2017 yang ke-59, yang digelar di Staples Center, Los Angeles, minggu 12 februari 2017, malam waktu setempat. Adele membuat kejutan diatas panggung yang menjadi sorotan dunia. Pelantun lagu “Hello” ini juga semakin dipuja penggemar karena berani mematahkan piala grammy yang berhasil dimenangkan dalam kategori Album of The Year.
Apa yang dilakukan adele bukan berarti tidak menghargai kemenangan yang diraihnya tersebut. Adele merasa begitu bangga atas prestasi yang dihasilkan dari kerja kerasnya selama ini. Namun kali ini, ia merasa bukan dirinya lah yang pantas untuk menjadi pemenang kategori Album of The Year. Dia merasa beyonce adalah seorang yang jauh lebih pantas untuk mendapatkan piala tersebut. Adele menganggap album beyonce “Lemonade lebih bagus dibanding album “25” miliknya.
“Album Lemonade begitu monumental, dari Beyonce adalah suatu karya yang dipikirkan secara matang dan mampu menyentuh jiwa, kami hargai itu. Kami semua seniman di sini memujamu. Kamulah inspirasi kami.” Katanya saat pidato kemenangannya.
Adele berhasil memenangkan lima kategori di Grammy diantaranya adalah Song of The Year melalui single “Hello”, Record of The Year, Best Pop Solo Performance, Best Pop Vocal Album dan Album of The Year.
Walaupun Adele kembali bersinar di ajang Grammy Awards 2017, namun kesialan juga tidak luput dari dirinya. Saat tampil di atas panggung, musik sempat dihentikan karena dia salah membawakan lagu favoritnya "Hello" karena kesalahan teknis audio dan berhasil menyanyikan lagu kedua yang Fastlove dengan mulus.
